It’s Time for Summer Camp

Day Camps at Cordillera Ranch Offer Something for Everyone

[button color=”silver”] by Shane Reynolds, Outdoor Recreation Director The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch[/button]

No matter where we go these days, it seems we are surrounded by technology. Toddlers are iPad-proficient and learn to count and read using LeapPads. Teens are practically required to be on social media sites to keep up with their friends. There’s hardly time anymore to interact face-to-face or get outside and just play.

Enter summer camps at Cordillera Ranch, the time-tested alternative to boring days around the house.

“Spending time outdoors is important for kids these days,” said Aubri Reed, Camp Supervisor at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch, which offers 13 different day camp options for kids.  “We want the kids to feel safe outdoors, to understand what’s in the world around them and have a good time. Plus, they get physical fitness because they’re constantly moving around throughout the day.”

Our day camps at Cordillera Ranch focus on getting kids outdoors and learning to enjoy the many different activities found on the ranch. We focus on getting kids excited about experiencing nature and playing in the Guadalupe River and many parks, rather than simply keeping them occupied during the few months they’re not in school. Instead of watching movies or sitting in front of a computer screen, kids are tromping through the creek, playing games and learning to identify insects and plant species.

When my generation grew up, we’d play outside from after school got out ’til the street lights came on. Now it seems most kids want to be in front of a screen of some kind. Our goal at Cordillera Ranch is to have kids learn to enjoy the many outdoor activities we offer at the Club and learn about the environment on the ranch, so that when the kids get home after camp, they’re dirty, hungry and tired from a full day of activity. Our goal is to have kids enjoy the physical and health benefits of experiencing the breeze, the sunlight and the sounds of being outdoors. Besides the benefits of being out in nature, staying physically active, socializing and learning new skills, when it comes down to it, camp is just plain fun.

Here are the many camp options at Cordillera Ranch this summer!

Age: 7-12 years
July 9th-12th & Aug 6th-9th
Finally – a camp that can keep up with your boys.

Age: 7-12 years
July 9th-12th & Aug 6th-9th
Your girls dreamed it…we made it happen. Every girl’s dream summer camp has finally arrived right here at Cordillera.

Age: 7-14 years
June 25th-28th, July 9th-12th, July 23rd-26th & Aug 6th-9th
The Cordillera Cubs Junior Golf Camp is a great way to introduce youngsters to the game as well as intermediate level juniors.

Age: 5-12 years
June 25th-28th & July 30th – Aug 2nd
Funky music, cool moves, and exercise are the perfect combination for young energetic dancers.

Age: 7+ years
June 25th-28th & July 30th – Aug 2nd
This camp is horse-central – horseback riding, horsemanship, activities, and horse related games.

Age: 3-6 years
June 18th-21st, July 16th-19th & Aug 13th-16th
Perfect first camp experience that’ll have your kids wanting to come back year after year.

Age: 10-15 years
July 23rd-26th
An adventurous camp designed for older kids that will include daily adventure trips off the ranch.

Age: 4-7 years
July 9th-12th
For the young buckaroos interested in learning more about horses and how to ride.

Age: 3+ years
June 11th-14th
Calling all swimmers, all ages. Whether your kids are just learning to swim or already swim like fish, this camp will keep them cool and entertained with lots of water fun.

Age: 8+ years
June 25th-28th, July 9th-12th, July 23rd-26th & Aug 6th-9th
For the young tennis enthusiast looking to keep their racket skills fresh over the summer.

Age: 6+ years
June 18th-21st, July 16th-19th & Aug 13th-16th
For kids who can’t decide on just one camp. TSA will cover all the sports and activities they could hope for!

Age: 7-12 years
June 11th-14th
The all-around Ranch experience!

Age: 8+ years
July 16th-19th
Experience the cowboy/cowgirl lifestyles out on the range, including horseback riding, outdoor cooking, roping, and range activities.

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