Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department

David Meyers

Title/Role with the BVFD:
Engineer/Firefighter/First Responder

Years with BVFD:
David has been a volunteer for BVFD for 2 years.

“Day Job”
David is a principal mechanical engineer at Southwest Research Institute. He works in the Engine Research and Development Department. David has worked at SwRI for 23 years.

Favorite part about working with the BVFD?
I like being able to give to the community. I like it when you can see the gratitude in the eyes of a constituent in need. Many times they don’t even have to say thank you because you can see it in their face and at that point in time you can say to yourself, “I just made a difference in someone’s life.”

Why did you choose to volunteer with the BVFD?
Two years ago I was the only person in my family that was not a member of the BVFD. My wife and kids didn’t think my Tuesday nights in front of the TV were fulfilling enough for me and convinced me to join the department with them. The Meyers family has 5 volunteers (4 of which are active). I am very proud of my family for what they do and for what they give. I now view being a BVFD volunteer as a way of helping people in their time of need and that is a very self-rewarding feeling.

Least favorite part of your role with the BVFD?
The thing I like least about being a BVFD volunteer is seeing the anguish of the patrons that we serve during an incident. When we are called to a scene, it is never a good thing – by definition someone is having a “bad” day whenever we are paged.

What’s one thing that people don’t know about being a volunteer Fire Fighter?
It’s not like in the movies. The equipment that you wear is heavy and hot (even when the outside temps are not). You don’t just whip pressurized fire hose around like you see on TV – it’s heavy and doesn’t bend.


Suzie Meyers

Title/Role with the BVFD:
Engineer/Firefighter/First Responder

Years with BVFD:
Suzie has been a volunteer for BVFD for 3 years.

“Day Job”
I’m a Registered Nurse and work in the surgical recovery unit at Children’s Hospital of San Antonio

Favorite part about working with the BVFD?
My favorite part about working with the BVFD is the sense of belonging I get when helping however or whenever I can. We live in a small community. Meeting and/or helping the people of this community is very humbling.

Why did you choose to volunteer with the BVFD?
When my son, Kevin, joined the fire department, he would come home and tell me all about the runs he went on. Once I realized that most of the runs were medical, I decided I might be able to apply my nursing skills.

Least favorite part of your role with the BVFD?
My least favorite part of being with the BVFD is when the fire department is paged out while most of us are at work or unavailable to respond. I am afraid that our constituents may have to wait a long time for help to come.

What’s one thing that people don’t know about being a volunteer Fire Fighter?
One thing that people don’t know about being a fire fighter is that ANYONE can be a volunteer. There are many shoes (or boots) to be filled at the fire department. You don’t have to be in prime condition, have professional fire training, or professional medical training. Our volunteers are teenagers, college students, young people starting their careers, more mature people retiring from their careers, people starting their families, and empty-nesters.


Victoria Meyers

Title/Role with the BVFD:
Firefighter/First Responder

Years with BVFD:
I have been a volunteer for BVFD for 1 year.

“Day Job”
I am a full-time college student and a part time sandwich artist at the Subway in Boerne. I am attending school to be a Child Life Specialist.

Favorite part about working with the BVFD?
My favorite part about working with the BVFD would have to be the fact that I am able to help people. My other favorite part is being close to the other members of the BVFD. It feels like a second family at the BVFD.

Why did you choose to volunteer with the BVFD?
It started when my older brother Kevin joined the fire department and would talk about it whenever he got home. My mom and dad followed suit, joining the fire department. After a little while I decided that it would be fun to join the fire department. I thought that I could try and help out as much as I can, just like my family.

Least favorite part of your role with the BVFD?
My least favorite part of being with the BVFD would have to be when I am not able to make it to a call when someone might need my help. I don’t like the thought of someone in need of my help and they cannot receive it.

What’s one thing that people don’t know about being a volunteer Fire Fighter?
One thing that some people might not know about being a volunteer fire fighter is that they are not expected to be Superman and do anything and everything. You do what you are most comfortable with doing. If you are not comfortable with a certain thing, you do not have to do that. We are all human. We all train in order to be the best that we can be. If you need help in a certain area we will help you so that you are more comfortable in that area.


Kevin Meyers

Title/Role with the BVFD:

Years with BVFD:
6 years

“Day Job”
I work at Coldchain Technology Services, a medical shipping and receiving warehouse. But I have recently graduated from the University of Texas Health and Science Center at San Antonio Nursing School, and am hoping to go into the Air Force as a Nurse.

Favorite part about working with the BVFD
The other members come from all walks of life, people that you would really never meet in your everyday life, but they quickly become your family. You look after each other, joke with one another and hang out. And you trust one another with your life.

Why did you choose to volunteer with the BVFD?
In all honesty, I was in my senior year of high school and was in between football and track season. So I was getting bored not doing anything. But right by my parents house, I could see the (at the time) empty plot of land that was getting developed into the fire department, with a sign asking for volunteers. So I called and a couple weeks later I started my training at the Boerne Fire Department. The rest is history.

Least favorite part of your role with the BVFD?
Not being able to help. I mean that in many ways. Being at work and not being able to respond, and just hoping that someone will be able to respond. Or not making the first truck out and simply listening to the radio and hoping that everything will be okay. Then the worst is when responding on a medical call, and unfortunately there is just nothing more that you can do.

What’s one thing that people don’t know about being a volunteer Fire Fighter?
I think some people greatly underestimate the amount of work and personal time that goes into being a firefighter. Being an officer makes it that much harder. There are times that I’ll spend a majority of my evening trying to get some work done.

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