Boerne Independent School District Bond Update

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Boerne ISD

In 2022, voters passed a Boerne ISD bond package totaling $165.64 million, sending a clear message about how deeply the community values public education, especially during challenging times of continued growth. The bond package addressed growing enrollment and future capacity issues, safety, security and district-wide maintenance projects, and supported evolving student programs. Work began immediately on new construction of the district’s 8th elementary school as well as implementing expansions and upgrades to make the best use of existing facilities. Many of the proposed projects are completed with the remainder nearing completion for the 2024-25 school year.

District-wide Improvements:

Maintenance and safety improvements included camera, card reader and door alarms; air filtration at nurse stations; fire alarm upgrades at Boerne Middle School North, Fair Oaks Ranch, Cibolo Creek and Curington Elementary Schools; PA System upgrades at Boerne Middle Schools North and South, Cibolo Creek, Curington, Fair Oaks Ranch and Kendall Elementary Schools; rubberized surfaces for playgrounds at all elementary campuses; and general HVAC maintenance upgrades for aging facilities. Nine new 71-passenger busses were purchased to accommodate enrollment growth.

Technology enhancements included Smartboards, Chromebooks, iPads and laptop and desktop computers throughout Boerne ISD schools as well as upgrades to phone systems, network infrastructure, Wi-Fi and the Boerne ISD data center.

New construction projects were designed to accommodate 2,400 additional students and enhance both academic and athletic facilities:

The district’s new Viola Wilson Elementary School, is the first school named after a female and former teacher. Located in Corley Farms off Scenic Loop Road, it is also the first school built on the opposite side of I-10. The school is scheduled to open in August 2024.

Boerne High School is expanding with a Health Science-focused classroom addition that includes 19,600 square feet between six multi-use academic classrooms, two science/lab classrooms and two nursing/lab classrooms. This addition and the new student courtyard will be completed this summer. Tennis Court lighting has been completed, as well as the renovation of the BISD Stadium, which included a conversion to a Sub-Varsity Field with track resurfacing and visitor-side bleacher upgrades.

Champion High School’s classroom addition will focus on technology with 38,042 square feet encompassing 10 general classrooms, four computer labs and four collaborative instruction spaces. This addition will open in September for the 2024-25 school year. Tennis court lighting has been completed.

The George and Baudelia Mitchell Learning Center will open this summer with 15,200 square feet of space in the old Central Office building on the corner of Main Street and Johns Road. It will include a total of nine classrooms with collaborative and flex spaces and two outdoor learning areas.

The Aquatic Learning Center, located between Cibolo Creek Elementary and Champion High School, will not only serve the district’s water polo team, swimming and diving teams, and other Boerne ISD students, but the community as well through district coordination. The facility is scheduled to open in August 2024. 

Several additional projects are in the Design Phase:

At Boerne Middle School North, the 8,000 square feet of new construction and 1,000 square feet of renovations will bring additional classrooms and a collaborative learning space to the campus.

Boerne Middle School South is receiving six classrooms and two art rooms totaling 10,760 square feet.

Library updates at Kendall, Cibolo Creek, Currington and Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary Schools will be completed by January 2025.

As the district prepares for the grand opening of new facilities for the 2024-25 school year, it also celebrates its most recent recognition by the Texas Association of School Business Officials. The Award of Excellence in Financial Management is given to schools that demonstrate professional standards, best practices and innovations in the area of financial management and reporting. 

New Boerne ISD Superintendent Dr. Kristin Craft stated, “We are pleased that our district has been honored with this prestigious award. Our Business and Financial Services team works tirelessly behind the scenes to support the vision of our district and our commitment to each student, parent, teacher and staff member, as well as BISD taxpayers. We are grateful for this acknowledgment of their hard work.”

For more information, visit

Boerne ISD Welcomes
Superintendent Dr. Kristin Craft, Ed.D

Dr. Kristin Craft, Ed.D, named Superintendent of Boerne ISD by the Boerne Independent School District Board of Trustees earlier this year, 

has been an educator for over 28 years, and most recently served as Associate Superintendent of Academics and Chief Academic Officer in Spring Branch ISD in the Houston area since 2018. She has spent 20 years serving in District Leadership Roles, including 12 years as a principal, rising from elementary to intermediate and then to high school, between 2003 to 2015. 

While at Spring Branch ISD, a district of over 33,000 students, Dr. Craft was instrumental in helping the district earn a finalist award for the HEB Excellence in Education Best Large School District in 2023, as well as exceeding State and Region in college readiness indicators: AP/IB results, OnRamps course credits and SAT/ACT results (TAPR) in 2021 and 2022. She led the charge in increasing the number of Industry Based Certifications earned by SBISD students by 140% from 2019 to 2023, and increased the number of students considered “CTE Concentrators” and “CTE Completers” by 13% over three years. Dr. Craft also provided strategic planning and support to help pass SBISD’s $381.6 million dollar bond election in 2022. 

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