Boerne ISD – Education Foundation

With a growing population, and dwindling budgets, the Boerne Independent School District faces a variety of challenges. However, due to the foresight and diligence of several people, the Boerne Education Foundation was created in 1997 to assist the school district with funds above and beyond what their current budget allows.

From the donations from the general public, the Boerne Education Foundation has been able to positively affect the educational experiences of countless students, and only continues to expand that reach.

Recently holding their 15th annual Rock on Fiesta event at Don Strange Ranch, the BEF had over 720 attendees and were able to raise over $170,000 from this single event. As budgets across the state continue to be slashed, groups such as the Boerne Education Foundation will become even more important in coming years.

Below are a few of the wonderful opportunities that the Boerne Education Foundation was able to help the school district continue to be one of the finest in the state. To learn more about the Boerne Education Foundation go to

Fabra Elementary
$4,825.75 – Hooked By The Nook: Enhancing Reading With Technology
Karen Aitken / Beth Dewey
Twenty-five color Nooks to integrate technology with curriculum and give students motivation for reading. The Nooks will be kept in a 3rd grade reading classroom but will be available for all teachers, grade 3-6.

$5396 – Math GPS for grades 3-6
$650 – Scientific Learning Reading Assistant Computer Program, K-6

Curington Elementary
$597 – Exploring The Art Of Music
Rebecca Shudak
“Finale Notepad” computer program for the orchestra program.

$1,642 – Spanish Books for library, PreK-6
$2,967 – Math Manipulative Boxes for grades 1-3
$1,000 – Notification Guided Reading Books, K-4

Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary
$573.30 – A SMARTER / Dustfree SMARTboard for Smarter Dustfree Students
Kathy Alloway
Internet access to SMARTboard activities for the “Investications” Math Curriculum and a dry erase board to extend the work space of the SMARTboard.

$3,100 – Math GPS Workbooks, grades 4 & 6
$1,575 – Brain Pop Subscription, K-6
$1,251 – LCD Interactive projector

Kendall Elementary
$2,295 – SMARTslates & Bluetooth, 4th grade
$1,449 – Internet – Study Island and Education City, grades 3-6
$340 – Math Workbooks, grades 2-6

Cibolo Elementary
$5,186 – SMARTboards Are A Smart Way To Teach
Amy McFee
3 SMARTboards to use during daily instruction

$1,489 – SMARTboard, 2nd grade
$1,400 – Greg Tang’s “A Cure For The Common Core” Professional Development, Teachers
$1,014 – Lakeshore Learning Center, Kindergarten

Boerne Middle School North
$4,800 – Science & Technology
Melanie Dovzak / Jonathan Rickman
Partial funding for 14 laptops to be used by all 8th grade science students.

$1,823 – SMARTboard, 7-8 Spanish
$1,300 – LCD Projector, 7-8
$975 – Math GPS, 7-8

Boerne Middle School South
$1,434 – CPR For Secondary PE
Linda McClure / Bill Merrell / Troy Errington / Samara Weinstein / Joan Uecker / James Hepler / Winnie Sellers
PE Equipment for all secondary campuses, including: card equipment, disc golf, balls and badminton set.

$1,570 – Sheet Music, All students
$1,344 – Math GPS, grades 7-8
$626 – Camera, tripod, lights & studio light kit, Art 1 & 2

Boerne High School
$3,375 – Lab Safety Equipment
William Bradshaw
To provide a safer lab environment and increase the learning experience of students by providing more opportunities for hands-on experience.

$3,306 – Computer-based lab equipment, Physics, IPC & Chemistry
$2,191 – LCD projector, laptop computer, mount & screen, Choir & Theory
$599 – Dictionaries, 9-12

Boerne – Samuel V. Champion High School
$8,500 – Computer Lab
Sephanie Finke / Kathryn Davis
Partial funding for a computer lab with 30 desktops

$3,100 – Online & written Algebra curriculum
$2,950 – Science Lab supplies, 9-12
$2,910 – SMARTresponse XE, PreAP Chemistry & Physics

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