By Charlie Hill
In a year of unpredictable twists and turns, it’s nice to be in a part of the country where stringent lockdowns haven’t been necessary and political unrest hasn’t been the top local news story. In fact, most people in Kendall County have continued to safely enjoy the array of outdoor activities the Hill Country and Cordillera Ranch offer, maintain some semblance of normalcy with kids safely back in school and generally enjoy many of the freedoms they’re accustomed to, albeit while adhering to the various safety protocols. This quality of life has led many from cities around Texas and the country to flock to Cordillera Ranch in recent months, resulting in an 81% increase in home and lot sales during the 3rd quarter 2020 as compared to the prior five years average. In the month of September alone, we closed a record 20 homes and lots in the community, averaging four closings per week for the month. Overall, in spite of a shutdown in sales activity in March and April, Cordillera Ranch has already exceeded 2019 home and lot sales through three quarters.
The hottest sales activity on the Ranch has been in the Springs of Cordillera Ranch, the newest addition to the community. In August, we broke ground on construction of the second phase of the Springs, Unit 302, which adds another 44 home sites to the 65 in the first phase. In the 3rd quarter we had 11 sales in the Springs and over 21 so far this year. This newest phase of the Springs is attracting many buyers because it adds some 2+-acre view home sites and Panther Creek-frontage home sites. These unique properties are unlike creek-front property offered before because the back yards gently slope down to the constantly-flowing spring-fed creek, offering homeowners the opportunity to sit on their back porch and see and hear the babbling brook.
With over 50 home sites sold in the Springs so far and 20 homes in design review, under construction or completed in this area, it’s clear that this neighborhood is growing fast, so check it out for yourself on the link below or stop by our Visitor Center to get more information.