Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association Annual Meeting Recap

Kevin Koether, CRPOA General Manager
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On May 8, 2024, Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association held its Annual Meeting of the Members at Voss Middle School located at 45 Voss Pkwy, Boerne TX. We had another wonderful turnout, with over 100 properties represented. The Board of Directors and POA staff appreciate all of the property owners who attended the meeting.

Sheriff Al Auxier spoke to the current criminal conditions in Kendall County and the challenges of the growing population. He addressed various topics impacting the county and stated that, fortunately, Cordillera Ranch does not share in a majority of the topics impacting the county as related to crime.

Lucy Hudson, representing the Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department, attended the meeting and thanked all property owners who attended their fundraiser last year. She explained the coverage zone BVFD responds to (58 square miles) and how the population continues to grow. Lucy detailed the difference in brush fires between 2022 and 2023, and how brush fires dropped in 2023. 

The POA finished 2023 within 0.3% of budgeted expenses and 0.9% of budgeted revenue. In 2023, the POA collected just under $3,000,000 in assessments, which is an increase of just under $355,000 from 2022. The reserve transfer increased by 10% in 2023 from $628,000 in 2022 to just below $700,000. The POA is also undergoing a financial audit, encompassing years 2022 and 2023, which should be completed shortly. 

POA General Manager Kevin Koether broke down the number of Architectural Review Committee (ARC) submittals in 2023 that included 35 new home construction plans as well as 213 ancillary submittals (pools, landscaping, remodels, fencing, etc.). Currently, Cordillera Ranch has 74 homes under construction or approved to start, and 37 more in Design Review. The POA ARC Manager Brandi Wright has done a tremendous job managing the ARC process and is a wealth of knowledge that property owners and contractors can rely on.

The Pavilion Park playground has been completed with the addition of a sidewalk, picnic tables (including an ADA compliant table), benches and trash cans. The first phase of the Verkada camera upgrades has been completed at entry gates and are working spectacularly. The security team has found the cameras to be highly useful and we are now able to positively ID those who damage gate arms and seek reimbursement. The POA is working on bids for additional areas around the property that may have cameras installed in the future.

The new POA website has launched, which offers substantially more functionality for property owners as well as the management team. Property owners can now submit reservations online, view their accounts, and submit tickets to the POA office. Kevin introduced Jack Cohea who headed the website project. Kevin also announced that POA communications will now be posted through the website and asked all property owners to register so they can stay up to date on the latest community news.

Other completed projects include the conversion of all entry gates to the Doorking system, the widening of the Rio Cordillera entry off of F.M. 3351; the cleanup of vegetation along the walking trails to make them more accessible; and the hiring of additional guards for peak traffic times. The additional guards have reduced the average wait time for guests to less than one minute to access Cordillera Ranch.

The following goals were presented to the property owners in attendance. The roads in Swede Park will be repaired, and the river parking circle and both sides of the dry creek will be repaired with a stabilizing agent to help prevent erosion; when baseball season is complete, the POA Maintenance Team will begin renovations to the baseball field; the Maintenance Team will be cleaning and sealing the walls and monuments at the multiple entries around the Ranch; the POA is currently working with multiple companies to develop bids to repair or replace the lighting from the Hwy 46 entry to the North Gate near the Visitor Center; the POA is having a roadway engineer audit all roads throughout Cordillera Ranch, and based on feedback from the engineer and need, we will begin the bidding process for road repairs around the Ranch; and the POA will be installing mile marker indicators throughout the walking trails, as well as working with the Nature Club to create informational signage to be installed on the walking trails.

We appreciate the support of all property owners who were able to attend the meeting, and we hope to see you next year!

Kevin Koether is the Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association General Manager. He can be reached at 830.336.3501 and

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