Golf Director’s Letter and Calendar

Corey Roberson

A good friend of mine coined 2020 as “the year of the audible.” I think that about sums it up. Regardless of industry, we’ve all had to shift plans around and try to figure out how to operate and function in the unique environments of 2020. On the golf side, our members played 37% more rounds in 2020 than our previous 4-year average. We’ve heard the golf industry has seen an increase of 15% to 40% depending on region and restrictions. We are proud to say, golf at Cordillera Ranch was available throughout 2020. We were able to keep the golf course open all year while following all the necessary safety guidelines and taking a few extra steps to keep our members and staff safe. While “the year of the audible” brought many unique challenges, it’s almost in the rearview mirror and our team is excited about the golf opportunities in 2021 at Cordillera Ranch.

We have four categories of golfers to serve with our events – men, ladies, couples and juniors. Our men’s and ladies’ events have been very successful at the Club and we are excited to expand our offerings for couples and juniors. In 2021, we will have nine events dedicated to couples’ golf. The kickoff event, Couples Putting Tournament, started in 2020 and was hugely successful. Mark down February 13 on your calendar — it’s a fun day to enjoy a little golf with your spouse while enjoying an adult beverage. From there, we’ll have eight Sundays throughout the year dedicated to enhance couples’ golf.

In 2020, we introduced the Operation 36 development model to our membership through junior and ladies’ player development programs. This model focuses on instruction, testing and actually playing the game to progress through various levels — the goal is to shoot 36 for 9-holes from different distances. These offerings will be expanded in 2021, so we’ll have learning opportunities throughout the year.

On the men’s side, our C-Star Member/Guest will be played in the spring and Cordillera Cup will be played in the fall — essentially, these two events will be flipped. We intended to start this new tradition in 2020, but we had to call an audible due to restrictions. In addition, the Cordillera Ranch MGA is adding a new event in 2021 — Salute to Summer on May 22.  

The CWGA saw growth in 2020 and we are prepared to handle more lady golfers in 2021. Historically, the CWGA had weekly playdays on Wednesdays and had three big tournaments — Mardi Gras, Fiesta and Halloween. In 2021, four “regular” playdays will be transformed into Special Events — Lone Star Cup, Turkey Shoot, Race Day Final and Holiday Hoopla. These events will accommodate more players and will feature an elevated experience like the big tournaments.

In March of 2020, the Club invested in a Trackman launch monitor for the Golf Performance Center. This state-of-the-art launch monitor significantly enhances the club fitting experience at Cordillera Ranch. Early in 2021, many of the club manufacturers are launching new products. Our goal is to help our members play better golf — sometimes equipment can help with that and at times we can make a simple adjustment to your current clubs to enhance performance. If you’re interested in improving your game, reach out to one of our golf professionals to experience the Golf Performance Center.

Corey Roberson is the Director of Golf at The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch. He can be reached at or 830.336.4653.

2021 Golf Club Calendar

MGA Kickoff, January 30

CWGA – Valentine’s, February 10

Couples Putting Tournament, February 13

Men’s Matchplay, starts March 2

Couples Day, March 7

•• Aerify Greens, March 15-17

Azalea Invitational, April 9

CWGA – Fiesta, April 14-15

Couples Day, April 18

C-Star Member-Guest, April 22-24

El Compadre Member-Member, May 7-8

Ranch Round-Up Ladies Member-Guest, May 11-13

Couples Day, May 16

MGA Event, May 22

CWGA – Lone Star Cup, May 26

Couples Day, June 6

Senior Club Championship, June 12-13

Junior Club Championship, June 12-13

Patriot Partnership, July 3

•• Aerify/Vericut Fairways & Tees, July 19-22

Couples Day, September 12

Ladies Club Championship, September 15-16

Men’s Club Championship, September 17-19

Cordillera Cup, October 2-3

•• Aerify Greens, October 11-13

Couples Day, October 17

CWGA – Halloween, October 27-28

MGA Cup, October 30

CWGA – Points Race Final, November 3

La Familia, November 6

Couples Day, November 14

CWGA – Turkey Shoot, November 17

MGA Turkey Shoot, November 20

CWGA – Holiday Hoopla, December 1

The Gauntlet, December 3

Couples Day, December 5

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