Jeff Muenchow

Employee Profile

Kevin Koether, CRPOA General Manager

The first time I met Jeff, I distinctly remember him smiling. The smile was that of genuine happiness — no particular reason, just happiness. Over the last four-and-a-half years, Jeff continues to have an infectious happiness that has helped shape the culture of the Maintenance Team.

When I started here, Jeff was responsible for irrigation throughout the Ranch. As we began restructuring the Maintenance Team, I asked Lenny Tomasini who he wanted as his Assistant Superintendent and, without hesitation, he said Jeff. In Lenny’s mind, there was no question and no doubt that Jeff had what it took to step up and thrive in the new role. Jeff is and has continued to become a more and more indispensable part of the Maintenance Team and the POA staff overall.

Jeff is a traveler; in his own words he grew up poor and relocated often while growing up due to his stepfather’s career. Jeff said his favorite place he has ever visited is Niagara Falls. Moving every six to eight months was challenging and Jeff said it added to his lack of patience. When Jeff starts a project, he wants to complete it and move on to the next as fast as he can. Jeff attended Blanco High School and not being able to afford college, went to work — his first job was at Charlie’s BBQ on FM306. Jeff eventually began working at River Crossing golf course where he met Lenny Tomasini. Lenny took Jeff under his wing and began to impart knowledge and wisdom, leaving Jeff viewing Lenny as more of a father figure than a boss. This sentiment still holds true today. When Lenny left River Crossing to come to Cordillera Ranch, it took less than a month for Jeff to ask to come along.

Jeff has been with Cordillera Ranch for just over 21 years. In 2023, Jeff won the Cordillera Ranch Employee of the Year award, which was no surprise as he excelled when promoted to the role of Assistant Superintendent of Maintenance. I asked Jeff how he has seen Cordillera Ranch grow and he laughed. He told me that on his first day at Cordillera, before the golf course existed, he had to clean a load of pipes out of an old goat barn that sat where the number 12 tee box is now. He still thinks of his first day whenever he passes the 12 tee. 

When asking Jeff what motivates him to come in to work every day with the positive attitude, he answered very quickly, “My wife.” Jeff is a dedicated family man who loves coaching sports, including softball, baseball, football and basketball. His daughter is currently pursuing degrees in criminal justice and wildlife management with the goal of becoming a game warden. Jeff’s son is in elementary school and is an active athlete. Jeff said he loves coaching and the joy it brings him seeing kids grow while competing.

Jeff leads with the adage of measure twice and cut once, which he learned from his grandfather. When working with the Team Leads, he ensures all parties understand the goal and what the expectations are to accomplish that goal. Jeff is a gifted instructor, and he possesses the ability to train employees quickly and effectively. Jeff has and continues to help lead the Maintenance Team to higher standards. He focuses on maintaining quality as the Ranch continues to grow and expand. 

Jeff, Cordillera Ranch is fortunate to have such a dedicated, joyful leader on the Maintenance Team. I think I can safely speak for Lenny and the rest of the Maintenance Team when I say we all appreciate everything that you do and we are lucky to have a leader of your caliber working alongside us.

Thank you, Jeff.

Kevin Koether is the Cordillera Ranch Property Owners Association General Manager. He can be reached at and 830.336.3501.

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