Manager’s Update

Summer is in full swing and the end of June represents the end of the second quarter. I can’t believe 2017 is already half in the books. It’s been an exciting year so I wanted to update everyone on several items regarding The Club.

By Monty Becton, General Manager

The Dallas Morning News 2017 golf course rankings were released in May and our Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf course once again ranked in the top 10 in the state of Texas. This year we secured the number 6 spot, outranking any other golf course in the Hill Country, Austin, Houston or San Antonio. Hole #16 continues to be named one of the most beautiful holes in the state.


The new mobile app and software that we rolled out in January seems to be popular because year-to-date we’ve had more than 500 Apple and 47 Android users download the app. We’ll continue to enhance this tool as updates become available.

Cordillera-app-presentationV3-(1)-1We recently added AED’s (Automated External Defibrillators) to both comfort stations on the golf course. The Clubs’ safety committee suggested the addition of these golf course units in combination with units in the main Clubhouse, Fitness, Tennis and Equestrian Centers and the new Outfitter Center. The Club currently has more than 50 employees who have been First Aid, CPR and AED certified by the American Heart Association. We host these classes at The Club for our employees twice each year.

This summer we will be updating and expanding our Wi-Fi coverage. By the end of July, you will have access to wireless coverage on our back patios and pool complex, along with increased speeds in other areas of the Clubhouse.

You’ll notice contractor crews working on the golf course this summer. They will be sodding areas that need improvement on both the golf course and practice park. We don’t anticipate any significant disruption regarding play, but please be on the lookout for them and take precautions when necessary.

A Club

A club is a haven of refuge and accord in a world torn by strife and discord.

A club is a place where kindred spirits gather to have fun and make friends.

A club is a place of courtesy, good breeding and good manners.

A club is a place expressly for camaraderie, merriment, good will and good cheer.

It humbles the mighty, draws out the timid and casts out the sorehead.

And a club is one of the noblest inventions of mankind.

If you are a swimmer, you can relate to that ‘bath-tub’ feeling found in many pools that are subjected to our hot Texas sun. To provide a more refreshing experience, we’ve added a new chilling system to our lap pool. We’re optimistic that this new equipment will keep the temperature in our large pool cooler as the temperatures rise.

Graham House, Clubhouse Manager, has added a couple of key positions to his team.


Michael Sturlin joined our team as Beverage Manager in June after being referred to us by Steve and Debbie Mayfield. Prior to joining our team, he was a Fine Wine Salesman for Southern Glazer’s. Be sure to give Michael a warm welcome.


Jessica Swingler returns after graduating from Texas Tech and working at the UT Golf Club. You may remember Jessica from her summer internship at our Aquatics Center several years ago. She will join our team the first week of July as a floor supervisor, so be on the lookout for her friendly smile.

We have revised The Clubs Rules and Regulations. Several items needed to be updated and relate to changes associated with technology, new amenities and redemptive right, along with several other amendments. You can find a copy of our Rules and Regulations on the Member website or via The Club app. One area I would like to touch on is non-solicitation as it relates to Members. We take the privacy of our Members seriously and must ensure we stay mindful of personal boundaries. One of the benefits of private club membership is the ability to relax and enjoy spending time with your friends and guests without being interrupted or interfered with. I like the club description highlighted above because it captures the essence of club membership.

I hope you’re all having an enjoyable summer and I look forward to seeing you around The Club.

Monty Becton is the General Manager of The Clubs of Cordillera Ranch. He can be reached at 830.336.4024 or

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