Nicole Johnson


Hometown: New Orleans  

Family Members: Kalani (fiancé), Carson (son), Carter (grand-daughter)

Tell Us About Your Work Experience?

For over 23 years, I’ve been immersed in the events industry, gaining extensive experience across various roles. My journey began with working for the hosting agency for the 2001 Super Bowl in New Orleans. In 2010, I attended culinary school and discovered my passion for catering. This led to a position as a Catering Manager, and eventually, Director. My involvement in the industry extended to joining an association as a board member and eventually becoming president. Through my event travels, I eventually landed in Austin. Once here, I was asked as a favor to judge event submissions by the most talented local event companies. I was so impressed by one of the companies — they won four of my seven awards — that I introduced myself and went to work as a Director for a destination management company (DMC). Later, I was hired by the biggest DMC in the U.S. Most recently, I spent two years at a country club in Austin before finding my place at Cordillera Ranch. It’s been a road full of twists and turns, but it has always unfolded in the most beautiful way. 

What do you like most about working here? 

For the last few years, I’ve wanted to master social media, and Cordillera Ranch has given me that opportunity. But frankly, what I adore most here is the team. Working with them to achieve a high level of service for our exceptionally kind members is definitely my favorite part of the job. Plus, the views here aren’t too shabby either.

What do you find professionally rewarding?

Creating experiences for members and clients has always been near and dear to my heart. Whether it’s a wedding, a community give-back event or a corporate function for a company doing good work, these moments are the most rewarding part of my career. 

What do you do in your free time?

I enjoy learning new skills, listening to audiobooks during long drives with a good coffee, taking naps in my hammock by the pool, and spending time with loved ones. 

What two things would you want if stranded on an island?

I’m a planner — I’d want a solar-powered satellite phone to call for help and a hammock to relax in while I wait for the rescue team. 

Are you a cat or dog person, and why?

I’m a dog person. They’re loyal, show unconditional love, and truly are a woman’s best friend. 

Which superpower would you like to have?

Time travel. To see the future, appreciate the present, and fix any mistakes of the past. 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A lawyer and a part-time super model — yes, really! 

What was your most recent adventure?

A trip to the Big Island of Hawaii. Sun, sand and some much-needed relaxation.

What is your favorite season, and why?

Fall is my favorite season because of the crisp chilly air, the colors of the leaves, how coffee somehow tastes richer, the smell of bonfires, and the anticipation of the holidays.

Anything that would surprise others about yourself?

I learned to drive on a tractor, I play darts, smoke cigars, drink whiskey on the rocks, go to car shows, and love to toss a football. Alternatively, I can’t survive without earrings, mascara and mani/pedis. I’m full of surprises!

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