Orchestrated Living

By Ben Schooley

From grocery shopping to property management, Tiffany Pritchard and her team of professionals work hard to simplify your life.

For many professionals, their careers and families keep them incredibly busy. So busy, in fact, that many of the day to day responsibilities of domestic life can fall between the cracks.  Enter Tiffany Pritchard and her company, Orchestrated Living.  From grocery shopping to complete finance management, Tiffany and her team are the answer to many prayers for fatigued professionals.

Pritchard begins, “I had been selling luxury high rise condos in San Antonio and had also done sales and marketing for Jose Cuervo for several years, so I had a lot of international contacts.  I would have a lot of these clients that would come into town and start asking questions about where to go for certain things.  For a reservation?  Where do I go shopping?  So it started morphing from that.  I wanted to keep the real estate side of things but having the background  as an executive sales assistant allowed things to move toward the lifestyle management .  I then got married and was fortunate enough to marry someone that enabled me to make the decision of whether or not I wanted to work.  I stayed home for 6 months, and just couldn’t do it.  And then a lot of my husband’s friends started saying  ‘I really need help 10 hours per week’ or ‘I could use an assistant for 20 hours per week’  and so it just started to grow from there.”

And it grew quickly.  What began as just Tiffany and 5 clients quickly blossomed into 20 contractors and over 60 clients.  Additionally, with Tiffany’s resources in property management, she began handling a lot of 2nd home management duties.  “We started to see a lot of our international clients, as well as local clients, that have 2nd homes and needed someone to assist them with the upkeep, paying bills, and general maintenance.  So we have some clients that live in Mexico, so for half the year we ensure that the yard gets mowed, the pool gets cleaned, and the electric bill gets paid.”

But who uses this?  Surely it’s only for the uber-wealthy, right?  Not necessarily, says Pritchard.

“No, there are so many dual income families that are professionals and are working some crazy hours and don’t have the time to run their households.  Sometimes things like grocery shopping and picking up your dry cleaning can really put a dent in your daily schedule, so many working families have been using our services, and we’ve seen great growth with the younger families in our area.”

As we enter the holiday months, it’s good also to remember that Pritchard and her team can help a lot with the craziness of this time.  “We know that holiday party planning can get seriously hectic.  So we typically get quite busy during this time as we help out not only with party planning, but also holiday shopping and decorating.”

Lastly, the intimate nature of a person that assists with “lifestyle management” creates good friends with clients.  “I would tell you that every client of mine has become a dear friend.  Most of them come to me through friends and we treat them as friends from day one.”

Orchestrated Living
info@orchestratedlivingtx.com | www.orchestratedlivingtx.com

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