
Leonard “Lenny” Tomasini

Property Manager

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas


How did you become employed at Cordillera Ranch?
It’s April of 1998, my son was just born and we were also about to close on our house in Bergheim. My long-term plan was to stay in the golf business and I had heard a rumor that Cordillera Ranch might build a golf course. I hadn’t a clue where Cordillera Ranch was but I managed to find Mike Sheridan’s number and gave him a call. I was very excited to find out is was within three miles of my front door. Mike hired me and I stayed on for 15 months before resigning to finish my education. I graduated in May of 2000 and was soon hired on at River Crossing Golf Club as the Assistant Superintendent. In August of 2003, Mike called me and wanted to know if I would come back to Cordillera Ranch and manage the maintenance department. It’s been almost 15 years since that phone call and the rest of the story is still being written.

Explain your multiple roles within the development.
There’s really no short answer for this one. My primary role is managing the Property Owner’s Association (POA) maintenance department. I started with a staff of five or six in 2003 and have grown that number to 20. If POA owns it, we maintain it. I also spend about 20 percent of my time helping out on the developer side.

How did your past work history prepare you for these roles?
I was 15 years old when I started my first paying job. There have only been five other jobs since. All of them have proven to serve me well but my preparations really began when I was around 10 years old. I grew up on a small farm and my father was quick to delegate chores. Following orders wasn’t debatable. He was tough as boot leather and showed me how to be accountable. He once made me walk the last mile home because he felt I was slacking off while field loading hay. I basically learned that giving 100 percent all day long was much better than giving just 99 percent because the 1 percent left on the table had consequences. I’m a perfectionist at heart and combining it with 100 percent effort leaves little room for failure.

What has been your most rewarding professional experience?
Not sure if this truly qualifies but chauffeuring Jack Nicklaus and company around our golf course during construction on two occasions and bearing witness to the mind of a golfing legend as he played out hole by hole in his mind was a unique deal for me.

It was a little stressful though because I have a lead foot and they were all standing in the bed of my truck with little more than each other to hang on to.
No casualties reported.

What has been your greatest professional challenge?
Hands down, it’s finding like-minded individuals who have a good work ethic and share in my passion for getting both large and small and seen and unseen things done correctly and efficiently. It’s much easier to expect and receive quality work from someone who holds themselves to a high standard.

What do you like most about working at Cordillera Ranch?
Not to sound cliché, but it’s mostly the people. Never have I worked anywhere that felt more like home than Cordillera Ranch. My three-mile commute is pretty awesome, too.

What are your hobbies and interests?
I really don’t have time for hobbies unless my children qualify. My son Benjamin is grown and living on his own now. My daughters Lenisa and Sofia keep me hopping with all their extracurricular activities. I have a one-year old granddaughter so I’m learning how to spoil her. I also like woodworking and have plans to pursue more of it later in life.

Favorite quote or motto?
I’m partial to “Burnin’ Daylight” and “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”

Anything that would surprise others about yourself?
I was a really good dancer in my younger days and I’m afraid of mice.

Or most meaningful personal experience?
The birth of my children.

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