The Sky’s The Limit

Cordillera Ranch is home to kids that excel in a variety of disciplines. From shooting to swimming, our kids use our club facilities to train, and for many of them, that training is paying off. For this issue, we shine the spotlight on several of these young people and learn where all that hard work is taking them.

Julia Cook, 18, Swimming
– USA Swimming 3 Time Scholastic All-American
– 1st Team All-State all fours years of high school
– Graduating Number 9 at Boerne High School

Future Plans.
I will be swimming for Texas A&M University in the fall and studying Forensics.

Tell us about your training regimen.
I have swim practice twice a day, 5 days a week, for 2 hours each time.

What are some of your future goals within your sport?
I would love to make the Olympic team in 2016.

How have your parents helped support your love of swimming?
My parents always support me by their continual encouragement, attendance to long, boring swim meets, and by waking me up every morning at 5 to send me off.


Adam Copps, 18, Tennis
Sophomore year Boys Doubles District Champ, Boys Doubles Regional Quarter Finalist, Junior Year Mixed Doubles District Runner Up, Mixed Doubles Regional 4th place, Senior year Mixed Doubles District Champ, Mixed Doubles Regional Runner Up, Mixed Doubles State 3rd place

Future Plans:
Plans for my future are to go to Texas Tech University and study Petroleum Engineering. For tennis I would like to play club or maybe even varsity tennis for Texas Tech

In what ways do you prepare for your match?
To prepare for a match I like to try stretch beforehand and not focus on the specific match too much because that adds more pressure to a situation that will already have a lot of pressure.

If you could play doubles with anyone, who would you pick and why?
If I could play doubles with anyone I would play with my instructor Glen Barton because he has stuck with me throughout my tennis career even after all the trouble I gave him, and he has been a person I have wanted to play doubles with for a long time.

What is your favorite aspect of the sport?
My favorite aspect of the sport is that even after playing a match against an opponent I can still be friends with that opponent. Rivalries can develop in tennis, but after a match is over the rivals are also friends. Most of the time, anyway.


Caleb Lazzari, 13, Bow Hunting
While bow hunting is my passion I also Bird and Deer hunt. Last season I shot a 31 inch axis alone with my bow. I currently hold the world record for most dove shot by an 11-year-old in one day. I shot over 2000. This past hunting season I placed 3rd in the Macho Grande Division in the Muy Grande deer contest.

Future Plans:
I would like to attend Texas A&M and be on the shooting team.

What is your most memorable moment while hunting?
Shooting the 31 inch Axis Deer by myself with my bow.

What’s one animal that you would LOVE to hunt that you have never hunted before?
I would love to hunt a Red Stag.

What is one thing that hunting has taught you?
To be patient


Taylor Coleman, 16, Golf
2011 AJGA Traditions Champion, 2011-2012 Harvey Penick Jr. All-Star Champion, 3rd place 2013 AJGA Hunter Mahan, 2013 – district, regional, and state 5A high school champion, qualified for the LPGA North Texas Shootout and made first cut.

Future Plans:
Play College Golf, win an NCAA Championship, and become a professional golfer. I also recently verbally committed to play golf for Arizona State University.

Who do you attribute as being responsible for much of your success?
My golf coach Tim Hobby.

Most memorable moment while playing?
Making my putt on the 18th hole for par on the first round of the LPGA North Texas Shootout, to shoot 68, and be tied for 8th after day one.

If you could play a round with one person, who would that be and why?
Rickie Fowler, because he’s my favorite golfer and because he has great fashion.


Christian Desmond, 17, Football    
Honorable Mention, Two Time Academic All District

Future Plans:
My choices for schools would be Texas A & M, Oklahoma University, Colorado University, Oklahoma State University, University of Texas or Trinity University. My goal is to make First Team All-District.

Who do you attribute as being responsible for much of your success?
I attribute much of my success to my dad because he has been my role model. He is a very successful man who has accomplished many great things in his lifetime while overcoming many obstacles. He is the best man I know and I love him greatly. Another great man in my life and one of my dad’s best friends is Tony Lazzari. He is another very successful man and he truly is a good man in every way as well. I respect the way he worked so hard to build his own business and entrepreneurial skills. I am so fortunate to have had these two men in my life.

Most memorable moment while playing?
My most memorable moment is the very first game I played with the varsity team while still in my sophomore year after being moved up from the junior varsity team.

What is your favorite aspect of the sport and why?
My favorite aspect of the sport is how it has taught me to handle adversity and how I have had to learn to trust as well as earn trust from my teammates. Relationships are the key to life in my opinion, so you build these during all aspects in the sport of football. Also I love the fact that I can go out there and play as hard as I can and push myself to make that great play. The feeling of making a great play is a rush like nothing else I’ve experienced in this world!


Gavin Scott, 15, Competitive Shooting
Many awards at county shoots, 3rd place in state at skeet, 5th place in state at trap, and 4th in state at 5 stand.

Future Plans:
I want to go to A&M and shoot for the A&M shooting team.

Tell us about how you develop your skills as a shooter?
I have developed my skills by hunting all of my life. If you can hit every bird that flies in front of you at unpredictable angles, you can hit clays when you know where they are going.

What are some future goals within your sport?
Two future goals are to shoot for the U.S. Olympic team and to represent A&M at shoots in college.

What is your favorite aspect about the sport?
My favorite aspect about shooting is that it is something I have done all my life and that I enjoy.


Lexie Farmer, 16, Swimming
This year I swam the 200 individual medley, and 100 Breast stroke at the UIL state meet, placing 11th and 6th overall. I broke two region records in those same events at regionals this year. I also hold a pool record in the 100 Breast stroke at the pool where I train.

Future Plans:
I’m undecided as to what college I want to go to, but I do know I want to swim Division 1 in college.

Tell us about your training regimen.
I swim for 2 hours Monday-Saturday, with an addition of 1 hr 30min practices Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I also run and lift weights 2-3 times a week for 30 min.

What are some of your future goals within your sport?
I want to place at state in any event I can, and get onto a division 1 college swim team.

How have your parents helped support your love of swimming?
I started swimming (in summer league) when I was six, and now I’m 16. My parents have driven me to practice six times a week and have attended every one of my swim meets for 10 years now. They have devoted a lot of their own time and effort for me to do what I love, and become the best swimmer possible. They’re by far my biggest fans and believe in me no matter what happens.


Tess Willis, 17, Tennis
Recently made 2nd in the 18s championship major zone in Corpus Christi and now am in 18s super champs (state and national tournaments)

Future Plans:
I would like to attend Texas A&M, TCU or ACU (Abilene Christian University) and possibly play on their tennis team. I would also like to be in the medical field.

In what ways do you prepare for your match?
I make sure I am warmed up and feeling ready to go, I also listen to a good upbeat song and think about everything my coaches have taught me. Thinking positive for tennis is an important key to good competitive tennis.

If you could play doubles with anyone, who would you pick and why?
If it was woman’s doubles I would pick Sabine Lisicki. She is an excellent tennis player and always has a smile on her face no matter what situation she is in.

What is your favorite aspect of the sport?
My favorite aspect of the sport is that any age can take up tennis. I took it up when I was 13 and have loved it ever since. I also admire that you can take the sport clear into adulthood. Another favorite aspect is the competition. I enjoy competing and setting goals, and then achieving them.


Jack Monday, 17, Cross Country/Track & Field
Texas State Cross country team Champions (2011 and 2012), State Qualifier Swimming (2012 and 2013), State Qualifier Track (2012), Academic All State Swimming and Cross Country.

Future Plans:
I am attending the United States Military Academy at West Point and will be competing in cross country and track. I hope to qualify for the Olympic trials in 2016 and have plans to run after college if my military career allows me to. Upon graduation from West Point I would like to branch into aviation and become a helicopter pilot. When I am done with my career in the military, I have always had the dream of working for Disney in some capacity.

What is your favorite race to run and why?
My favorite race is the 800 meters. It requires the speed of a sprinter but you need the endurance of a distance runner as well. I consider myself lucky that I have a little of both. There is also a lot of strategy and tactics involved to be able to run it well. It is definitely a specialty event, and it happens to be my best. I will most likely run the 800 and the 1600 (mile) when I am at West Point.

What do you love most about track?
I like the feeling of accomplishment after hours of hard work in practice, and seeing it pay off when I race. What I really love most about track is when I win.

Tell us about your training regimen.
I usually train six days a week with one rest day. The season determines how many miles I run or yards that I swim in the pool. I would usually max about 50 miles a week during Cross Country, and about 25,000 yards a week in the pool. If I have a race that week, I would usually reduce the amount during that week.


Nick Thornton, 17, Golf
Three time All-State Golf, two time State Golf Champion, four time All-State Basketball, one time All-State Track, TAPPS 1A Male Athlete of the Year

Future Plans:
I will be attending Baylor University on academic and golf scholarship, and I would love to be a part of an NCAA Championship golf team.

Who do you attribute as being responsible for much of your success?
Life in general: my parents. Golf: my grandfather John Thornton, Jarratt Jones, Bryan Gathright and Scott Johnson.

Most memorable moment while playing?
My hole in one on Cordillera #7 when I was 13.

If you could play a round with one person, who would that be and why?
I’ve already had the pleasure of playing with that one person, that being Jimmy Walker. Why? Because of the connection we have with Baylor, because of the support and encouragement he’s provided, and because his game is on a completely different level, and one that I aspire to.


Shelby Lynn Curry, 12, Rodeo (Barrel Racing, Pole Bending and Goat Tying)
I have won over 25 buckles and six saddles. Champion Barrel Racer and Pole Bender, Top 10 State Qualifier for Junior High Rodeo.

Future Plans:
Goals for my Sport: I would like to qualify for the National Finals in Junior High Rodeo. One day I want to compete in the Women’s Pro Rodeo Association and qualify for the National Final Rodeo in Las Vegas.
College: Texas A&M and maybe become a veterinarian like my Uncle Justin Harper.

When you prepare for events, what do you do to get ready?
I try ride my horse at least three times per week to keep him in good physical condition. I focus on “practicing perfect” at home and this helps me do better at the rodeo. At the rodeo I focus on keeping myself and my horse calm. I always mentally envision myself running a perfect pattern before I compete. Mostly importantly I always praise the Lord no matter what the outcome! I am very blessed to have the opportunity to compete in this sport.

Horses tend to have special relationships with their riders. Tell us about your relationship with your horse.
My main horse, Cool your Fancy Jet ( a.k.a C.J.) has been part of our family since before I was born. He was purchased as a 2 year old by my Mom and Dad. I have a picture of me sitting on him when I was about six months old at a Futurity when he was four years old. C.J. was my mom’s horse until about four years ago when I began riding him. I have become a better competitor because of him.

What is your favorite aspect of the sport?
Meeting friends from all of the country and winning money at the rodeos!

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