
I’ve had several ongoing reminders of our military recently, so I took that as a sign. An email on the origin of “Taps” sent me to the Internet. Its origin is arguable, its lyrics powerful and its simple melody is stirring in marking the end of a day, or the significance of a life. I also attended the Night to Honor our Heroes associated with the Valero Texas Open. Active military representing all ranks and services, wounded warriors, President George W. Bush and corporate supporters gathered to celebrate our military and “Military City USA.”  A tremendous evening that I encourage you to attend in the future.  

Memorial Day is soon upon us and May is National Military Appreciation Month, a month to recognize and show appreciation to our Armed Forces. Following are some dates over the next couple of months that I hope you find worthy of pause not just as you read them below, but briefly on their actual date of observation.  

May 1, 2019 – Loyalty Day – Set aside for American citizens to reaffirm their loyalty to the United States and to recognize the heritage of American freedom.   

May 2, 2019 – National Day of Prayer – Annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation.  

May 8, 2019 – VE (Victory in Europe) Day – Marks the anniversary of the Allies’ victory in Europe during World War II on May 8, 1945. 

May 10, 2019 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day – Acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the spouses of the U.S. Armed Forces. 

May 13, 2019 – Children of Fallen Patriots Day – Honor the families our Fallen Heroes have left behind – especially their children. It’s a reminder to the community that we have an obligation to support the families of our Fallen Patriots.  

May 18, 2019 – Armed Forces Day – Pay tribute to men and women who serve in the United States Armed Forces.  

May 27, 2019 – Memorial Day – Commemorate all who have died in military service for the United States. 

June 6, 2019 – Anniversary of the World War II Allied invasion in 

Normandy, France, known as D-Day (1944)

June 14, 2019 – Flag Day – Commemorate the United States flag. 

June 14, 2019 – Army Birthday

June 27, 2019 – National PTSD Awareness Day

July 4, 2019 – Independence Day

So, remember our military, thank a soldier, honor a veteran, fly the flag, reflect on history and at the end of a day in May, listen to “Taps” and view its lyrics (www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9xNoEu3O8c).  If you can’t get the melody out of your mind, take that as a sign.

Barry Denton

Director of Real Estate Sales

Cordillera Ranch

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